Shareable now offers a built-in way to keep your scripts up to date, and to notify your users when you publish a new update for your script.
The updater is disabled by default for all scripts, but an author can enable it at any time in a script's page. Enabling the updater for a script means that an API endpoint will be available for your script: from this url anyone can retrieve the latest version of your script, alongside with release notes and a download link for a quick and easy update.
Using the updater is simple:
// Your script
const updaterModule = importModule("semver") // @FifiTheBulldog's updater module: check below for download
const version = "1.1" // The current installed version
const id = 1 // Your script's shareable id
let request = await new Request("" + id)
let json = await request.loadJSON()
const checkForUpdates = updaterModule(version, json.version)
if(checkForUpdates == true){
log("Update available!")
}else if(checkForUpdates == null){
log("Up to date!")
}else if(checkForUpdates == false){
log("Rollback available!")
This module, that needs to be installed as a Scriptable script, makes possible to use semantic versioning (like 2.0.3): you can download it on GitHub at this link
All credits to FifiTheBulldog for this script.
Shareable's updater api is public, so you can write your own updater module: here's some informations that may be useful.
// URL
const baseUrl = "" // takes id as a parameter
const url = ""
// Response is a JSON object
isUpdaterEnabled: Boolean
version: String
release_notes: String
download_link: String // url that redirects to script's page after starting the download of the script
If the updater is not enabled for a script, the API will return an error string.
If you found an error in the docs or have an idea for something new, open an issue on GitHub.